Special Orders

At D'slippa we are always thinking of ways to help you and our community read more... so we will find ways to try to accommodate your particular needs:

A few examples:

  • Many friends? No problem, If you want to buy D'slippas for several friends from your reading club, or teacher colleagues, we can package them individually. This will be a great, innovative and affordable gift for a crowd.
  • Advertising? If you want to advertise your company in the body of the D'slippa we can create a custom design and provide a wholesale quote. We have done it multiple times with great customer satisfaction.
  • Fundraising? We can put your School or Organization name in the body of D'slippa and we will provide a wholesale quote, you can then resell them at retail.

For all the above or any other ideas, please contact us at franco.dslippa@gmail.com

You can see many examples of cases like these in our Instagram and facebook pages below.